“Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles”: Registration Open
We are very excited that abstract submission and registration for our conference “Quantum Physics with trapped particles” is now open under https://frontiers.ethz.ch/abstracts/Call.html.
The conference, which will take place on 13-18 October 2024 in Ascona (Switzerland) is organized by Dr Martin Frimmer (ETH Zürich) and Ass. Prof. Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero (TU Wien). It will bring together members of diverse subfields, united in their interest in the quantum physics of particles in the absence of a mechanical suspension mechanism. This includes, but is not limited to, the following topics
Many-body physics with trapped particles
Levitated optomechanics
Quantum and atom optics
Levitation of macroscopic objects
Quantum chemistry in optical traps
Trapping near photonic/mechanical structures
Precision measurements for fundamental physics
We are very much looking forward to meeting all participants and listening to our amazing invited speakers!