“Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles”: Registration Open

We are very excited that abstract submission and registration for our conference “Quantum Physics with trapped particles” is now open under https://frontiers.ethz.ch/abstracts/Call.html.

The conference, which will take place on 13-18 October 2024 in Ascona (Switzerland) is organized by Dr Martin Frimmer (ETH Zürich) and Ass. Prof. Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero (TU Wien). It will bring together members of diverse subfields, united in their interest in the quantum physics of particles in the absence of a mechanical suspension mechanism. This includes, but is not limited to, the following topics

  1. Many-body physics with trapped particles

  2. Levitated optomechanics

  3. Quantum and atom optics

  4. Levitation of macroscopic objects

  5. Quantum chemistry in optical traps

  6. Trapping near photonic/mechanical structures

  7. Precision measurements for fundamental physics

We are very much looking forward to meeting all participants and listening to our amazing invited speakers!


New article in PRL


New article in JOSA B