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New article in PRA
Our article proposing to prepare motional entangled states between levitated nanoparticles has been published in PRA!

New article in Quantum
Our tutorial on projector operator techniques for open quantum systems has been published in Quantum!

Lorenzo joins the team
Our colleague Lorenzo Papa joined the group for his PhD. Welcome Lorenzo!

New article in npj spintronics
Our new article exploring the influence of GGG substrate on spin wave propagation in YIG has been published in npj spintronics!

Saurabh joins the team
Our colleague Saurabh Gupta joined the group for his PhD. Welcome Saurabh!

New preprint!
Our new manuscript exploring collective cooling of strongly interacting atomic arrays appeared today on arXiv!

Monika joins the team
Our colleague Monika Mycroft arrived to Vienna to join the team for her postdoc. Welcome Monika!

Marco joins the team
Our colleague Marco Brühlmann arrived to Vienna to join the team. Welcome Marco!

New article in Nature Physics
Our new article demonstrating strong cavity-mediated coupling between two levitated nanoparticles has been published in Nature Physics!

New article in PRL
Our theory-experiment collaboration on strong magnon-phonon coupling in a thin-film configuration has just been published in Physical Review Letters

“Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles”: Registration Open
The conference in Monte Veritá (Switzerland) will combine experts from AMO, levitated optomechanics, quantum chemistry in optical traps, and more

New article in JOSA B
Our article “Quantum electrodynamics with a nonmoving dielectric sphere: quantizing Lorenz–Mie scattering“ was just published in JOSA B

The team moves to Vienna
On 09.10.2023 the team officially moved from the University of Innsbruck to the Vienna University of Technology